Deer story and video below : )!
Well aren't we the techies? This is what lesson time is like. But they seem to still like it and I love teaching. The weather has not been cooperating with us though. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the lightning and thunder is not good for lesson time. There is no shelter here as in other places. So if there is rain there is no where to go to get out of the bad weather and we have to rush out of there. But we did need some rain. It has been interesting the way it has covered the area from Hollywood to Seabrook Island including John's Island, but not other areas. I'm praying we won't get more rain for a little while so that the tomatoes will still be good for picking and they will have a good season!

Some news that was exciting for me and for Jack, just for different reasons. I mentioned my friend Margarita before. She had been at Jenkins for years!! But I'd been told several weeks ago that she and her family would not be there. When we went back last Friday, Janet told us that she was at the camp out in Hollywood. Though Janet does not speak English and didn't know the word "Hollywood" when she was explaining where the camp was I figured that had to be it. So when I said "Hollywood/Ravenel" she said, "SI, SI". So Jack, Gramma and I went out Tuesday to that camp. It is a good drive out there, but it was worth it! When we drove in it was BUSY with trucks and vans everywhere. I figured it would be asking one person after another until I either found her or found out she was not there. But when we drove in I saw her and we were able to go right to her. She gave me the most precious hug really squeezing me. That is the first time she has ever done that. She is very quiet, shy and not a real huggy type as others. Fernando is growing up so much. His English is great. He was so well behaved. While we were chatting and they were showing me their bird and the puppies their dog had, I looked over and saw what looked like a DEER!? It was a shock but it was true. "Jack, Jack look that's a deer!" It was the cutest thing! We went over there to that side to see it. I wanted to get a picture with Fernando and the deer but he was a little frightened by it. It was certainly more tame than normal, but still a bit hyper bucking and romping around. Below is a video of Jack with the deer they have name "Gabiota". The guys have had it for 3 months. They rescued it while in Florida. That was the highlight for Jack, but for me it was definitely seeing Margarita again. She asked if I would come back and was so sweet. We gave her and Fernando some things we had. Fernando was amazing. Normally he was asking for more toys, but when I told him to just take whatever he wanted he became shy and just took one little bouncing ball. He had to answer two questions - Who made everything and Who loves him and died on the cross for him. He got them right : ). So we gave him some more. There are only a few other children there, but the camp was bursting at the seams with guys and girls who are working in the fields. So far they are still picking and Margarita said they wouldn't be leaving until July 20ish. She got my number and I asked her to please call me if they were going to be leaving sooner than expected. It was a blessing to be able to find her and get such wonderful hugs coming and leaving. God is good and once again is giving us the Summer Blessings.
1 comment:
Hola Paulette and Jack,
Que preciosa tu Gaviota!
Que maravilla tu visita y encuentro con tu amiga Margarita y Fernando! Me alegro!
Did your Gramma see the doe? How wonderful that you included her!
God bless you and many Summer Blessings that the Rain listens to your prayers, too!!!
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