Wednesday, June 11, 2008
WOW, Prayers Answered - Great Kids!
Are these kids adorable or what!!!! Well, the prayers were answered! Jack and I went out on Tuesday night without any toys. I explained to them that we were there for one purpose - to teach the Bible. We believe knowing Jesus is the more important than anything else. Eglaen helped me translate and Geo helped her : ). We talked about how Jack and I enjoy and want to give out the prizes when they pay attention and learn the verses, BUT we were not there just to give out toys. We said they could get toys from anyone. They WERE LISTENING! They were so respectful and I told them we would not be giving out any toys until Thursday. We would write down their names and put checks and crosses and add them up. We explained that they did not have to stay they could leave if they were there just for the toys. The point was made plain and repeated. They were better that night than in years. The focus was on the lesson and no one was even thinking about toys because they knew they weren't coming. They memorized the verse and we played cut the cake. In the last few years, they would be so ready for the toys that we would not even get to play the games because they were so anxious for the toys. But now they can just enjoy and not be preoccupied with prizes and toys. It was great!!! They even wanted to keep going and kept playing cut the cake even as we were leaving. So thanks for the prayers; they were answered!
It is such a blessing to be able to teach the truth about Jesus. The lessons are about the life of Jesus from birth on. When I was asking them about who the mother in the Christmas story was - they were not answering. Then I asked if they knew what Christmas was all about and how it started and two of the little ones said "Santa Claus" in such a strong accent I wasn't sure at first what they were saying, especially when not expecting that. But one of the older boys was laughing and saying nooo! But he said it was about gifts! Finally one of the girls said with much uncertainty, "el nacimiento de JesuCristo?" Then I asked how many went to church on Christmas and only 3 out of 15 said they did. And of one who raised his hand his relative said, "you don't go to church!" But Johan insisted that he had been before. It is amazing me how isolated this group of people is in this area. But we encouraged them to remember the true meaning of Christmas and go to church when they had a chance. For me, telling those who really DO NOT know about Jesus' love for them thrills my soul. Even though I see some of these children for several years at a time, it is only for the summer. So that is not like going to church regularly. It is a privilege and joy to share the Good News with such open hearts.
THE STORY "How It All Began"

In the summer of 1987, I went out with Stono Baptist Church to Jenkin’s camp. There were a guy and girl taking out groups from the Charleston Baptist Association. Immediately, my heart jumped inside when I saw the little children and their excitement to learn. By the end of the time, I saw that not much was made of the wide door of opportunity and was sad. But my prayer then was that I would be able to teach children like that one summer. Little did I know what God already had planned. The next year I was a sophomore at Columbia Bible College, one of my friends was Angela Thomas from Charleston. We were just about out for the summer, in the midst of exams and all the end of the year craziness, when Ange asked me if I’d be interested in teaching out at Migrant camps on John’s Island. Her mom had been asked by Reverend Richard McQueen if Ange would be interested, and since she was unavailable and knew that I lived on John’s Island asked if I might be willing. It seems the person scheduled had bailed last minute and they were trying to find someone. But I know better!
Writing this now April 27, 2005, I can still remember being on Petty Hall like it was yesterday. I was not only willing – it was an answer to a prayer I’d forgotten that I prayed! So with little time to prepare and not knowing exactly what I was getting into, I began what would become the most fulfilling, difficult, heartbreaking, rewarding, joyful, sorrowful, love-filled, exciting summer days and nights : ) of my life. God so perfectly put it all together. It started with CBA, then my local church, Samaritan’s Purse after Hugo when I met Franklin Graham and eventually led to meeting Mr. Henry Meeuwse at James Island Presbyterian Foundation. Teaching children the powerful, life-changing Word of God gives me some of the greatest joy in my life. I also love the food, culture and language : ). The children and their families have become a very rich part of my life. I’m so thankful the other person was unable to go out that summer. I’m sure in God’s sovereignty He had something well suited to him for that summer, also. God’s love and control are boundless; I’m thankful He has given me the blessing of summers with so many wonderful people.
~ So there it is. That is how it began in 1987 as a seed, and then in 1988 as a dream fulfilled.
Christmas in the Summer! (LOL)
Thanks Paulette...I'm enjoying so much the updates and keep those photos coming, they are priceless!
But really Paulette, my opening statement was in jest but it certainly shows that these families are forgotten and unchurched...I realize your lessons are for the kids but the whole family should be there clearly. Do you do objects lessons? Here's an idea or two:
Make a chart(group or individual) and give stickers(or happy faces) only for memory of verses and
have each gift(prize is worth so many stickers) and they work towards earning enough stickers to acquire the prize but that their reward is learning the verse. You can give stickers for anything not just verses(sitting still, answering, attending, etc.)
Also, making a simple craft that goes with your Bible story and taking that home is their gift/prize! I'm still praying and I am well. Thanks for your concern and precious comments! I'm so glad you read the one that I had no Sunday one was the same. How do I get a password for the other blog or is this the one for me to visit and the other is for "special clients"? No problem.
I'm so glad that they got their eyes off the toys and on to the lesson!
I am blessed by your heart!
Vaya y siga con Dios! Adelante!
Muchas bendiciones y oraciones...
Just a HOWDY! Looking in to see more of your adorable Summer Blessings! Hoping you are doing fine! Praying and asking for prayers,too...thanks & God bless!
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