Sunday, August 31, 2008


I'm going to write a number of "journal-like" entries of the chronology of this. It is for my own record as well as for those who said they wanted to know the story.

Going Back to April - Actually the 80's

It began in my heart over 20 years ago which is why I went to the Mixe Indians back in December of 1990, because the desire had been in my heart since the late 80's. The first time I went to Mexico it was for two and half months of the Summer, I met a family who had contacts with the Mixe Indians. I happened to be dating a guy who was part of that family : ), so he told me he would set up a trip and I said I would return. He didn't really want to go as I did, but he wanted me to return. In December we took the trip up to the "jungles." Well, let me just paste someone else's words here to describe a little of what it was like, "Do you remember our 12 hour up hill walk???? well, now there is a concrete road all the way up to the town of Quetzaltenango. (Where we stayed and you preached for a couple of days). Now there is no need to walk nor cross rivers in the jungle. There is transportation and telephone. " So that trip was the beginning for this trip.

So fast forward now to April 2008.

Jack and I had rented the movie, "The End of the Spear." I don't even remember how many times I've heard the story, seen documentaries, read books by team members, even gone to a Wycliffe musical of the story, but this one was different! This young boy's story showed another, more realistic side of the whole saga. It reignited that fire that has never really gone out completely. So for days after seeing it I kept thinking about the dream I once had. My prayers started including more and more about that and requests that the Lord would allow Jack and I to have some part in bringing the Good News to those more isolated. At the same time I was preparing a web/blog site for the Summer Migrant Ministry. One of the entries was about what a blessing it has been to have the opportunity to meet so many during the Summers with the Migrants. I was writing about the time with the Mixe and kept thinking I need some photos, no one is going to believe what I'm writing. I read what I wrote to Jack and he said {and I'm not condoning this}, "OK Hilary." At that time there were all the jokes about her dodging the sniper fire on her 1996 visit to Bosnia, being made and he was likening my story to her exaggerations : ). When I said we walked for 8 hours up the mountain to get up to the village, he was teasing me. We both laughed. But it made me really want those pictures. I had tried several times before to contact some of the people who went with us on that trip to see if there were any photos at all that I could get access to somehow. My searches never resulted in contact with anyone. I knew it was a long shot, but I figured I'd try again. So I started putting in "Presbyterian churches of D.F. Mexico", names of people, I sent an e-mail to Spearhead which was the mission organization I first went to Mexico with, asking them for the name of the church we were at as I knew it was a Presbyterian church but couldn't remember the name. I even asked a blogging friend who has a phenomenal ability to research information to help me. Now it was June 4, 2008 and I just decided to google the name of the older brother in Mexico. AND there it was!!!! Three results came up. Two of those being for a guy in the Mexican Navy with an e-mail address. I sent the following e-mail not knowing who might be on the other side or if there would be a reply.

I'm hoping you are the same Jonathan I met many years ago! By your e-mail address, I'm very optimistic that you are the same one. You have a sister named Alma and two brothers David and Marcos? Your wife is very beautiful! You have at least two children perhaps more now : ). Your father was / is a Presbyterian minister and your mom is a fantastic cook who is "Spirit-filled". If this is you please reply to this e-mail. I have been searching for you guys for a while. I have to ask a huge favor of you. You probably do not remember me. Back in 1989 or somewhere around there I was in Mexico with Spearhead. Then returned to go with you guys to the Mixes in Oaxaca (if you're the same Jonathan). My husband has heard stories of the time with the Mixes, but it is the only significant event that I have no photographs of in my life. If you are the person I'm thinking you are, please tell your parents I said hello and your family as well. Are you guys all totally musically talented? I look forward to hearing from you. God bless you all.

So this is the beginning - Entry 1 - Entry 2 soon to follow

Next time I'll tell you about the response I received and some links and information about Oaxaca and the Zapotec we will be visiting (there are many of this people group living in two main areas with many many dialects of the Zapotec language spoken).


Peggy said...

OK Hillary....Blessings Paulette...
can't even imagine who would research or google...someone's name or look for stuff from the late 80s in a "jungle" or "mountain" in Mexico, pre-computer blog world???(lol)!

Well, I'm waiting and what about the photos???(no photos to post still)
You better have a camera of your own this time...and I'm not talking about the Polaroid you requested to take the Children's photos! That's a separate petition!!!

I think you've set this up pretty well. Revealing what God spoke to your heart and is now birthing into
being! Consider staying more than just the two weeks...maybe up to a month! You never mentioned Spearhead to me or this Escuela Misionera de mujeres!

You are going to a state pretty far down in the country of Mexico and from Mexico City, D.F. past Puebla
and Morelia y Guerrero! Pues, mucho tiempo y distancia de mi...:( Lo
siento mucho pero me alegro que Dios ha puesto en tu camino y tu corazon para los Mixes y ahora los zapotecos...las indigenas no quieren aceptar estas ideas nuevas!
Cuidado! Y hombres mexicanos no tienen el mismo motivo de una corazon pura...como tu...Ojala que Angel tiene mejor perspectiva de ser misionero y protegedor como yo se que Dios tenga que protegerte mas que cualguiera persona. Tenga tu confianza en El.

Psalm 146:3-7

Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them--the LORD, who remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, Psalm 146:3-7 NIV |

No pongan su confianza en gente poderosa, en simples mortales, que no pueden salvar. Exhalan el espíritu y vuelven al polvo, y ese mismo día se desbaratan sus planes. Dichoso aquel cuya ayuda es el Dios de Jacob, cuya esperanza está en el Señor su Dios, creador del cielo y de la tierra, del mar y de todo cuanto hay en ellos, y que siempre mantiene la verdad. El Señor hace justicia a los oprimidos, da de comer a los hambrientos y pone en libertad a los cautivos.
Salmos 146:3-7 NVI

Peggy said...

Welcome to Mission 4 Monday! I linked this post today! Each week I will link your entry 1, 2, 3!!! I wanted to link your "How it all began!" but it was not separate. If you visit the others you can see that everyone does not put my is not necessary. What is necessary is to share and link so others can see what is
ON YOUR HEART or a SUMMER BLESSING turned into a return to your first love and mission! Praying for all to come together but I sent more alternatives if you don't hear from SA! God bless your heart! Para mí,
para decir tu frase...diría...yo "quiero obtener esa materia" OR
..."quiero estas cosas"...Gracias para visitarme y tus comentarios!
porque "Tienen que saber" tú tienes que irte y decirles de JESUS y Su Amor para ellos. Dios te bendiga!

Charlotte said...

Wow! It always amazes me how God works in the lives of people. I read this entire story including the first part after this comment section. It has been so inspiring to me. I am very familiar with many scriptures but not so much so with the Psalm 146 passage. Wow. that is so good.
God bless you as you continue to live for Him.

Nancie said...

Thanks, Paulette, for sharing with us and linking to Mission 4 Monday. It's wonderful to read of how God enabled you to go to the Mixe Indians. Thank God for planting that desire in Jack and your heart to have some part in bringing the Good News to those more isolated! May God continue to bless your labors for Him. Thanks for sharing with us. Take care and have a blessed day!

Peggy said...

Blessings y saludos mi amiga
Paulette...I hope you realize that
your visit today costs you...YOU
are now an AWESOME BLOGGER award
recipient!!! Add it & share it!

As regards your trip, it's in God's hands! I've given you alternates, one right there in Mexico DF! Is Angel still planning to go? Are your friends from Oaxaca, J & D still in this? Write me..I do read my gmails!

You know you can count on my prayers but more that God will place and see you through this!

THE STORY "How It All Began"

 *Photobucket *                                         * Photobucket*  Here is the story of how it first started. This was written a few years ago for a mission fair at JIPC. Since it was already written there really is no reason to re-do it : ). Jack was not in the picture then so he is not included in this story, but his entrance onto the scene is a story for another time : ). The following is the text from years ago:

In the summer of 1987, I went out with Stono Baptist Church to Jenkin’s camp. There were a guy and girl taking out groups from the Charleston Baptist Association. Immediately, my heart jumped inside when I saw the little children and their excitement to learn. By the end of the time, I saw that not much was made of the wide door of opportunity and was sad. But my prayer then was that I would be able to teach children like that one summer. Little did I know what God already had planned. The next year I was a sophomore at Columbia Bible College, one of my friends was Angela Thomas from Charleston. We were just about out for the summer, in the midst of exams and all the end of the year craziness, when Ange asked me if I’d be interested in teaching out at Migrant camps on John’s Island. Her mom had been asked by Reverend Richard McQueen if Ange would be interested, and since she was unavailable and knew that I lived on John’s Island asked if I might be willing. It seems the person scheduled had bailed last minute and they were trying to find someone. But I know better!
Writing this now April 27, 2005, I can still remember being on Petty Hall like it was yesterday. I was not only willing – it was an answer to a prayer I’d forgotten that I prayed! So with little time to prepare and not knowing exactly what I was getting into, I began what would become the most fulfilling, difficult, heartbreaking, rewarding, joyful, sorrowful, love-filled, exciting summer days and nights : ) of my life. God so perfectly put it all together. It started with CBA, then my local church, Samaritan’s Purse after Hugo when I met Franklin Graham and eventually led to meeting Mr. Henry Meeuwse at James Island Presbyterian Foundation. Teaching children the powerful, life-changing Word of God gives me some of the greatest joy in my life. I also love the food, culture and language : ). The children and their families have become a very rich part of my life. I’m so thankful the other person was unable to go out that summer. I’m sure in God’s sovereignty He had something well suited to him for that summer, also. God’s love and control are boundless; I’m thankful He has given me the blessing of summers with so many wonderful people.

~ So there it is. That is how it began in 1987 as a seed, and then in 1988 as a dream fulfilled.