Thursday, June 11, 2009

SUMMER 2009 Begins

Margarita, Fernando and me - in my new Mexico duds from October,  I might add☺  


Well, they're baaa - ack : )

Jack with "Salchicha" [sausage] and Fernando 

Yesterday I received the call from  Margarita and was so surprised.  I'd given her my number before and normally she loses it just as I'd lost hers : ( this year [it's a different number now anyway]  But she called me at the end of last season and it was really nice to talk with her.  But when I answered my phone yesterday and heard someone speaking in Spanish I was not thinking it was her.  It was a very good surprise!   They had just arrived on Sunday and she says they will be staying until at least July 20th, perhaps the 26th!!!  And if she is saying the 26th it could easily be even longer.  I do not understand what is happening with the growing season - it seems to be reverting back to 15 years ago.  Back then it was normal for the season to begin in June and end in July/August.  I guess things really do go in cycles even the weather.  Those cold snaps we had in March and even April were unusual.  This crew picks the green tomatoes so it has nothing to do with that [those who pick the red would obviously be staying later], but more weather and the season start time from what I can tell.   But there may be something else going on that I am not aware of yet : ).  What I do know is that they arrived later and will be staying later : ).  Anyway, the exciting thing is that Margarita called me to let me know they were in town and ask us to come visit - which, of course, I was thrilled to do!  
When we arrived yesterday evening, the back of the truck was full of donations left from last year that had been given to me late in the season and have been stored in the shed.  I love watching Frenando's attitude.  He has such good manners!  It is just normal for all children to want to dig in and just start taking everything whether they like it or not.  It is like a frenzy.  But Fernando is not like that.  Last year I had to practically force him to take things.  His mom is watching him giving him the eye and he will not take it without her approval.  She is an excellent mother!  This year I explained to her that these things were not to be earned - they were all freebies as they were used and left from last year.  I told her when we started the lessons, THEN it would be back to "earning" the prizes.  So she finally let him go for it.  He was looking through each thing he picked up carefully and if he didn't think he would use it he would put it back.  Several times he would be looking at something and excited about it and you could tell he wanted it but was afraid to add one more thing to his box, so Jack would say "take it, Fernando, you can have it"  He'd smile and put it in.  It is so nice and unusual to see a young child so appreciative.  One of the things was a bat and ball set (plastic) and while Margarita and I were looking at other things, Jack and Fernando started playing ball.  Next thing you know we all joined in the game.  
When I saw Jack and Fernando playing together, it struck me that in the 6 years we've known them I don't ever remember seeing him play anything with his dad.  As a matter of fact, as we were driving home and I was still pondering it, I could not remember seeing his dad much at all until the very end of a season.  He is one of the crew leaders so he is early to leave and the last to come back.  Fernando is an only child so that leaves it just he and his mom often.  Not so unusual for today's working dad who wants to provide for his family, but still tough.  But Fernando has a fun pal - his Miniature Dachshund.  It was the CUTEST little thing and I just couldn't resist!!!!!!!  So I was petting it and even HOLDING it as it licked me and wagged that adorable little tail.  It is precisely because of that succumbing to temptation that I am sitting in front of the computer now.  I was having reactions before we left [which always weakens my immune system] and had been around someone who had a virus on Tuesday so here I sit sick again, no energy to go outside and finishing mowing.  It was cute - really cute - but I should have known better!!!!!  But hey that's what's so great about computers : ).  
I did not ask her last night, but I will ask Margarita if she knows anything about Manuel from last year; I've prayed for he and her family just about daily.  If you have kept up with the blogs you may remember him.  Margarita actually started witnessing to him with me.  It was an amazing blessing.  She is so very shy and I was just thrilled to see her express what is in her heart about the Lord.  It was a beautiful moment/ memory.  Hopefully we will share another like that this Summer.  She has already agreed to help me with the lessons/crafts with the children.  Depending on how many children end up being at the other camps I don't think I will be ordering as many as I'd planned but I already have several little craft kits to go with the lessons.  Fernando will be the oldest this year : ) so far.  He has learned English too!!!  It is so remarkable to see young children go into school and in less than a full year they are speaking English so well.  Since Margarita does not speak any English he is now becoming the "translator" for her.   She doesn't fool me though - I know it is just because she is too shy to try to talk, because I know she understands a great deal : ).  Margarita was a blessing to me.  Once again this year I was beginning to wonder if I should just stop now.  She called me and as a friend invited me to visit.  She is such a dear lady and I'm grateful for all of the friends like Margarita, whom the Lord has blessed me with meeting and some even being able to maintain a friendship.

Like one my friends in Florida who called me last week.  I hadn't heard from them in months.  We caught up again and she let me know how her family (7 other siblings and spouses and children and GRANDchildren) are doing and where they are now.  Since her family in particular seems to have absolutely no problem having lots of children,  I let her know I am totally open to having them give birth to a precious little one for me : ).   They laugh at me.  But it really is a blessing to talk to her as she is now walking with the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How wonderful is that!  To be able to pray with her now as an adult and hear her pray is amazing.  And one of her brothers is truly a believer though he still struggles and we talk/pray as often as he can or thinks about it.   One of the other brothers called this past Monday PM and let me know he DID go to church on Sunday there in Texas : ).  This family, too, has a special place in my heart and has been in my prayers constantly.  So many friends who I have been privileged to share the love and truth of Jesus with over the years are truly Summer Blessings.

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THE STORY "How It All Began"

 *Photobucket *                                         * Photobucket*  Here is the story of how it first started. This was written a few years ago for a mission fair at JIPC. Since it was already written there really is no reason to re-do it : ). Jack was not in the picture then so he is not included in this story, but his entrance onto the scene is a story for another time : ). The following is the text from years ago:

In the summer of 1987, I went out with Stono Baptist Church to Jenkin’s camp. There were a guy and girl taking out groups from the Charleston Baptist Association. Immediately, my heart jumped inside when I saw the little children and their excitement to learn. By the end of the time, I saw that not much was made of the wide door of opportunity and was sad. But my prayer then was that I would be able to teach children like that one summer. Little did I know what God already had planned. The next year I was a sophomore at Columbia Bible College, one of my friends was Angela Thomas from Charleston. We were just about out for the summer, in the midst of exams and all the end of the year craziness, when Ange asked me if I’d be interested in teaching out at Migrant camps on John’s Island. Her mom had been asked by Reverend Richard McQueen if Ange would be interested, and since she was unavailable and knew that I lived on John’s Island asked if I might be willing. It seems the person scheduled had bailed last minute and they were trying to find someone. But I know better!
Writing this now April 27, 2005, I can still remember being on Petty Hall like it was yesterday. I was not only willing – it was an answer to a prayer I’d forgotten that I prayed! So with little time to prepare and not knowing exactly what I was getting into, I began what would become the most fulfilling, difficult, heartbreaking, rewarding, joyful, sorrowful, love-filled, exciting summer days and nights : ) of my life. God so perfectly put it all together. It started with CBA, then my local church, Samaritan’s Purse after Hugo when I met Franklin Graham and eventually led to meeting Mr. Henry Meeuwse at James Island Presbyterian Foundation. Teaching children the powerful, life-changing Word of God gives me some of the greatest joy in my life. I also love the food, culture and language : ). The children and their families have become a very rich part of my life. I’m so thankful the other person was unable to go out that summer. I’m sure in God’s sovereignty He had something well suited to him for that summer, also. God’s love and control are boundless; I’m thankful He has given me the blessing of summers with so many wonderful people.

~ So there it is. That is how it began in 1987 as a seed, and then in 1988 as a dream fulfilled.