Thursday, July 9, 2009
A Lesson in the STORM
{Don't miss the SLIDESHOW AT THE BOTTOM - by the time you read the section below, it should have loaded}
And still they did a GREAT job listening to the Review Lesson and participating, even with the storm. Since we were out of town and there were new children, it was best to do a review of the stories so far. This is a great bunch of kids and it was so much fun!!! I have to get used to teaching in Spanish each Summer because I don't have too much practice during the Winter months. Though most of these speak English we didn't want to leave out the few who don't. We went back and forth last night, song in English then in Spanish, lesson in Spanish, some questions in English, etc... but it works : )!
Before leaving, it was looking like rain as it had for some time, but we kept waiting to see what it would do. Finally, because we know time is getting short and families are starting to leave, we decided to go out just to spend time with the children. But I couldn't resist a lesson once we were out there. When we arrived we went to talk with Janet who is with a totally different crew; they even have a different gate/fence area to enter. As we were talking to her it went from a drizzle to rain. So we decided we had better go to the other section and begin rounding up the children. But by the time we made it to the other set of housing, it was pouring hard, so the kids who were there with us were the kids in the lesson. Karen, Feliberto, Horalia, Daniel, and Adolfo were left out : { YIKES. But there was no leaving from under the awning then. So we began the lesson. In the middle of the lesson the thunder and lightning started to really chime in and it was quite a competition in keeping their attention. Even keeping my own attention was not always possible as I had to turn around myself and see what was going on a few times after a loud thunder sound crashed near or a light streaked too close for comfort : ). The whole time I'm thinking, "Oh my goodness these kids are sitting on a metal frame with metal springs!!!!" But the parents were totally aware and did not call them away so there was no use in ending, we might as well continue through until the end. It was really super! At the end we had a question review game for little prizes and they did very well - no crying, no saying, "AWWWH I wanted that one!!!", no pushing or hitting, etc... The group was just the right combination of personalities last night. And every night the group changes : ).
As I sit here typing this, I can't help but reminisce about the first years. I've been in contact with several of the old students from 20+ years ago who are, of course, now adults. They seem to call more often in the Summer months and they talk about their memories of the times at the camps - the Bible lessons, the "field trips", and prizes. Two of them told me just a few weeks back when I was feeling discouraged that those are their favorite memories in life. When I hear that and I see that though it has taken 20 years sometimes to see ANY fruit - it is worth it!!!!!!!!!! Only God knows all of what HE has done and how many are serving Him now, but He has given me the privilege this year to learn of two more who have begun living for HIM. Five may seem like a very small number of changed lives, but from the perspective of eternity 5 is HUGE to me. Once more thanking the Lord for these Summer Blessings.
THE STORY "How It All Began"

In the summer of 1987, I went out with Stono Baptist Church to Jenkin’s camp. There were a guy and girl taking out groups from the Charleston Baptist Association. Immediately, my heart jumped inside when I saw the little children and their excitement to learn. By the end of the time, I saw that not much was made of the wide door of opportunity and was sad. But my prayer then was that I would be able to teach children like that one summer. Little did I know what God already had planned. The next year I was a sophomore at Columbia Bible College, one of my friends was Angela Thomas from Charleston. We were just about out for the summer, in the midst of exams and all the end of the year craziness, when Ange asked me if I’d be interested in teaching out at Migrant camps on John’s Island. Her mom had been asked by Reverend Richard McQueen if Ange would be interested, and since she was unavailable and knew that I lived on John’s Island asked if I might be willing. It seems the person scheduled had bailed last minute and they were trying to find someone. But I know better!
Writing this now April 27, 2005, I can still remember being on Petty Hall like it was yesterday. I was not only willing – it was an answer to a prayer I’d forgotten that I prayed! So with little time to prepare and not knowing exactly what I was getting into, I began what would become the most fulfilling, difficult, heartbreaking, rewarding, joyful, sorrowful, love-filled, exciting summer days and nights : ) of my life. God so perfectly put it all together. It started with CBA, then my local church, Samaritan’s Purse after Hugo when I met Franklin Graham and eventually led to meeting Mr. Henry Meeuwse at James Island Presbyterian Foundation. Teaching children the powerful, life-changing Word of God gives me some of the greatest joy in my life. I also love the food, culture and language : ). The children and their families have become a very rich part of my life. I’m so thankful the other person was unable to go out that summer. I’m sure in God’s sovereignty He had something well suited to him for that summer, also. God’s love and control are boundless; I’m thankful He has given me the blessing of summers with so many wonderful people.
~ So there it is. That is how it began in 1987 as a seed, and then in 1988 as a dream fulfilled.
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