Thursday, May 29, 2008
Treasures in Our Own Backyard
We didn't even know when we put in the Edisto where we REALLY were. Something seemed too fantastic, though. Osprey, ibis, egret, Great Blue heron all at the same time and plenty of them!!! "Jack, take some pictures, no one is going to believe it! Take some pictures!!!" Well, we never could get any decent photos with them flying - BUT we will be back and I'll post them. So instead the slideshow highlights the beautiful marsh flowers. I'm sure we should be able to get some photos of the birds because when I came home I discovered something. Knowing what a rare thing it is to see so many birds like that in the same area and in such abundance, we went to the Internet to find out what was going on. The Ernest F. Hollings ACE Basin National Wildlife Refuge was going on! As we researched/read about the area, Jack and I learned that had we turned right we would have ended up at the put in for the Refuge which is - let me quote from the website,,
"The ACE (Ashepoo, Combahee, and
Edisto rivers) Basin is a 350,000 acre
area made up of many different
habitat types such as brackish water
tidal marshes, fresh water
wetlands, bottomland hardwoods,
pine and hardwood uplands, barrier
islands and beaches. It is one of the
largest undeveloped estuaries on the
East Coast of the United States.
It is extremely important to
migrating ducks, other migrating
birds, and endangered species such
as wood storks and shortnose
So there we were discovering the "Treasures in Our Own Backyard." We'd traveled to canoe the swamps in Florida to see such things and were not given such a beautiful and abundant display of ornithological splendor. So what does this have to do with Summer Blessings ministry - read on my friend!
~Just recently I shared some of my testimony with the ladies from Salvation Army Golden Girls. They are the BEST!!! I luv em, I luv em, I luv em because so many of them have been tried by fire and have come out as Gold! They are older than 50 [I'm the exception that they graciously have allowed so that I can be there with Gramma : )], and they have been through some struggles in their lifetime. Anyway back to the point, I was there sharing with them and was again, myself, reminded of another blessing God has given me in my own backyard.
Many may know that while in college, I was DETERMINED that I would follow the call of God, believing that my calling was to go to unreached tribal peoples with the Good News of Jesus. I took Greek, Missions classes, saw "The Wait of the World" a gazillion times, went to missions retreats/seminars, you name it!!! Preparation for the field was ever on my mind. I went on mission trips to Mexico and up into the mountains to the Mixes - who had never seen a white woman. LOVED IT! Holding the banana leaf as I squatted sliding down the decline as it was a mountain, crossing a rushing river at the near end of an 8 hour walk, waking to the sound of cock roaches the size of a small cell phone [almost wish I hadn't brought that flash light], taking a "shower" and turning around to look up the mountain and see that I was some of the villages' entertainment - they were sitting as if watching a movie - so I was glad I'd decided to leave the T-shirt on; all of the adventures were great. But nothing compared to praying for the man with some kind of eye issue (even if he wasn't healed), or stading in front of all the people and telling them -through two translators- about the God who created everything and sent His son Jesus to deliver all people from our sin problem. It was my dream being fulfilled.
So I graduated and said, "OK God, where to now - Mexico's mountains, Bolivia, Africa?" But of course, not the States right?!! Each Summer, I continued going out to the camps and loving my time of telling the precious children about Jesus! I was learning another culture and making mistakes - BIG mistakes - but still learning all the while. After graduation, I felt certain the Lord would "send" me some where. Until He did, I was thrilled to be with the friends I'd met at the camps each year; the children were so smart and eager to learn about Jesus. But it wasn't the mission field, I thought, and I needed to be on the mission field. So year after year I'd go out meeting people from so many different nations, Indians from India, Haitians, Guatemalans from many different tribes speaking different dialects, even Kan jo bal Indians who spoke very little Spanish and I was able to find a portion of the Scripture in their language as some translators from the region were on furlough in Texas!, Nicaraguans, Mexicans, etc. . . All the while there was a wrestling with the Lord that I needed to be on the mission field!!!! Finally, as my dear friends had been trying to tell me, I stopped and thought of all the people groups whom the Lord had really blessed me with being able to share His Good News. The realization hit me. The mission field and a treasure trove of opportunities to meet people from so many different countries, tribes, languages, situations were coming to my own backyard! God is so amazingly gracious, patient, faithful, compassionate and perfect in His ways!!!!!! I truly do thank the Lord who, though I am NOT worthy, has considered me faithful and put me into service providing His Summer Blessings. His Treasures brought to Our Own Backyard.
THE STORY "How It All Began"

In the summer of 1987, I went out with Stono Baptist Church to Jenkin’s camp. There were a guy and girl taking out groups from the Charleston Baptist Association. Immediately, my heart jumped inside when I saw the little children and their excitement to learn. By the end of the time, I saw that not much was made of the wide door of opportunity and was sad. But my prayer then was that I would be able to teach children like that one summer. Little did I know what God already had planned. The next year I was a sophomore at Columbia Bible College, one of my friends was Angela Thomas from Charleston. We were just about out for the summer, in the midst of exams and all the end of the year craziness, when Ange asked me if I’d be interested in teaching out at Migrant camps on John’s Island. Her mom had been asked by Reverend Richard McQueen if Ange would be interested, and since she was unavailable and knew that I lived on John’s Island asked if I might be willing. It seems the person scheduled had bailed last minute and they were trying to find someone. But I know better!
Writing this now April 27, 2005, I can still remember being on Petty Hall like it was yesterday. I was not only willing – it was an answer to a prayer I’d forgotten that I prayed! So with little time to prepare and not knowing exactly what I was getting into, I began what would become the most fulfilling, difficult, heartbreaking, rewarding, joyful, sorrowful, love-filled, exciting summer days and nights : ) of my life. God so perfectly put it all together. It started with CBA, then my local church, Samaritan’s Purse after Hugo when I met Franklin Graham and eventually led to meeting Mr. Henry Meeuwse at James Island Presbyterian Foundation. Teaching children the powerful, life-changing Word of God gives me some of the greatest joy in my life. I also love the food, culture and language : ). The children and their families have become a very rich part of my life. I’m so thankful the other person was unable to go out that summer. I’m sure in God’s sovereignty He had something well suited to him for that summer, also. God’s love and control are boundless; I’m thankful He has given me the blessing of summers with so many wonderful people.
~ So there it is. That is how it began in 1987 as a seed, and then in 1988 as a dream fulfilled.
Well done my good and faithful friend Paulette...excellent photos!
Excellent words that indeed the Lord makes our mission field right where we are...serving those He
places in our path! Though you are quite the adventurer, I'm sure you are learning tgo be content in the Treasures in Your Own Backyard...from wildlife wonders to wonders of many people brought together for one purpose: to learn more about our Heavenly Father through Jesus, His Son and YOU!
(and I guess Jack,too!!!) Many blessings...I have been blessed by you, your friendship & I'll attempt to work on your special request!!! until then...Eph.1:16
Paulette, it seems like you have had a remarkable ministry where you are, a "bloom where you're planted" sort of thing. I remember hearing that Mt 28:18-20, the Great Commission, was about "as you go" rather than "go"--sort of as you go about in life. God has brought you many people!
I re-read your comment at my blog and felt rather sheepish about being unresponsive, sorry!
Gary prayed the prayer two years after I came to Christ, and hmmm...I still can't say exactly... though some people have a quite slow conversion process; maybe that's it...
I'm so glad to be getting to know you. Thank you for your visits! And your kind encouragement!
This is SUCH a beautiful post, Paulette!
Praying for you!
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